Lab Dog solutions is a company that focuses on developing applications, plugins, mobile games and websites. We agreed that the logo should feature a dog but instead of simply making it a Labrador retriever, we went for a more unique, less realistic approach. The finished result utilizes negative space to portray a dog in a laboratory coat, wearing protective eyewear, with the whole lower portion of the body created in the shape of a gaming console controller. Overall, the logo is packed with subtle details, including a tie in the tongue that’s sticking out.
The mark is then combined with a thick, sans-serif font, that is nearly as tall as the dog itself. This allows the logo to be widely used without space being an issue, all the while capturing that professional yet playful feel the company is striving for.

This logomark came to be when we stumbled upon something from Asian folk religion; preta. Preta, in short, means ”hungry ghost” and just like that, inspiration struck and the outcome was an evil slice of pizza. Although it’s rather simple, it is one of our more detailed logos. It would work great for a place that sells pizza, be it a fast food truck or an actual restaurant. Combined with illustrations in the same style, it would create a powerful, unique brand.
The perfect logomark for a DJ or someone in the music business, this piece is based off the similarity between a music note and headphones. It’s very minimalistic and simple, yet unique and specific. It works in any color combination and at any size. Besides looking good, it has one very powerful advantage – there’s nothing quite like it anywhere else.

A piece that came to life when we were approached to create a bear logo for a financial website that tracks stock prices. The bear and the bull are the two beasts of finance. We created a few versions and this one did not get chosen because of the upright position. That’s the very reason we adore it, however, as it makes it far more rare and exclusive. The white color choice on a dark background gives it a very premium and high class feeling.
Originally made to represent our own efforts, this mark later got replaced by our signature lion. We wanted something that exudes royalty from the get-go, very simply and plainly, while this logo made viewers focus on the details and craftsmanship. It utilizes negative space to form a face and a crown through shadows and highlights. We favour this piece very much and we can’t wait to work on something similar in the future.

Our country’s very diverse in both nature and terrain and it isn’t hard to get inspired by the combined beauty of both. That’s how the idea for this logo was born. Created in our preferred style, minimalism, the bear features a set of mountains upon its back, which can carry several meanings and just may be one of our more abstract pieces.